Collage HR vs Humi

Are you looking for a comparison of Collage HR vs some of the other solutions available? The best way is to see Collage HR in action for yourself by booking an appointment.

Trusted by thousands of businesses

Front Runners
G2 Crowd

Why countless customers have switched from Humi to Collage HR

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Collage HR works with your existing payroll and benefits

Get data and insights at your fingertips that save you time and unlock powerful outcomes.

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Collage HR works as advertised

Attract more applicants while staying organized to consistently make great hires.

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Run better performance reviews with a fraction of the effort.

Get data and insights at your fingertips that save you time and unlock powerful outcomes.

Our experience has been extraordinary, I have always had productive exchanges and solutions to problems fairly fast. they have always been open to product feedback and have integrated solutions to better suit our needs.
Max Sanchez
Director of People Operations
Narcity Media Inc.  |  50-100 Employees
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We aren’t going to mislead you with a half-true feature comparison checklist

The best way to understand if Collage HR is the best product for you is to have a personalized demo with one of our Account Executives

Book your demo now